Configure MOMENTVM

Setup your publishing targets

A Publishing Target determines where MOMENTVM will send content to. Later you can freely chose your target for publishing.

This could be a sandbox, development or staging.

Go to settings and click Publishing Targets.

Create a new one.

The Publishing URL is your instance which is typically something like

The Catalog is your navigation catalog.

The Default Library is the content library to publish content assets into.

WebDAV username and password:

To publish images, MOMENTVM needs a Commerce Cloud user account. Unfortunately this is not possible with OCAPI, so create an user account and make sure the user can publish to the WebDAV.

You can leave out this step if you just want to see publishing in action.

Preview URL: This is a preview URL specific to a Target, you can leave this blank.

Import your sites into MOMENTVM

Head over to Settings and click on Import Sites

Select A publishing target and wait a second. The popup shows all your sites which you can import. We recommend to use Staging here later on, just to make sure you have all the Sites available in a production workflow later on.

But any of your targets will work.

In this step MOMENTVM will also import all the locales which are assigned to your sites.

Create some Country Groups

A Country Group makes it easier to group multiple Sites. This means its much easier for your users and saves time.

Head over to Country Groups and create one with a few sites.

Typically you would create an „All“ group, groups of a few sites but its also possible to create a group with just one site.

This depends on your brands marketing preferences. For example you might have a German speaking market Germany, Switzerland and Austria, or an Asia region and so on.

Page Contexts

Content Slots are a bit complicated in Commerce Cloud. Therefore we abstract those settings in a Page Context.

This means later your user can just choose „Home Page“ for example, without knowing which slot-ID etc that exactly is.

Head over to settings and click on Page Contexts.

The name of a context is up to you. Choose one that your users will understand.

The slot field is the technical slot ID. To find it out, we recommend you head over to Content Slots in Commerce Cloud Business Manager.

There you find global slots which is a slot for example in your header or footer, some brands also use a home page which contains a global slot (or more than one slot)

A category slot is a slot that you can find on a category page. MOMENTVM will then also ask the user for a category ID later on.

Next, find out which rendering template your Commerce Cloud developers have built for you. To try to find this out on your own, click on an existing configuration and select content asset.Then click on rendering template and choose one. As mentioned above, its specific to your Commerce Cloud setup, but usually a plain one is still there which is named something along the lines of contentAsset.isml

In MOMENTVM, copy the information you just obtained and choose wether to use a global or category based context.

Phew! Now your all done with the connection! Reward yourself with a steaming hot cup of coffee and a pat on the shoulder!

Last updated June 21, 2022

MOMENTVM Documentation

This is the official documentation for MOMENTVM Content Cloud for Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

© 2024, MOMENTVM Content Cloud GmbH